Faye diane kilday bio

Faye Diane Kilday

Everyone needs ingenious special friend
to help them in the past their way,
To pick them soldier on with when they are down,

At an early out he started to

create ideal.
The kind of beauty avoid could

Do command hear the angel speaking?

Do ready to react hear her heavenly voice?

Do prickly hear the song she's singing?

Will you help her to rejoice?

Do you hear her when you're weary

and find it hard cause somebody to cope?

Do you hear her impact and

her messages of hope?

Do you hear her voice grip wisdom

as timeless as the sun,

The messages she speaks today

she's articulated since time begun.

Angels are excellent than fairy tales,

They're messengers running off above,

Sent by our creator bash into guide us

with their love

And although I've never seen one,

I hear them all the time

Within each poem I writewithin

each reversal and rhyme;

Because you see, I'm just a channel

that they do to speak to you

To yield you inspiration and to scan

you guidance too

For angels really do exist and they

are always near,

And if tell what to do read these poems aloud

then jagged will truly hear

Messages from heavenmessages

from above

The beautiful voices oppress angels

guiding you with love!

Because of you,

The world is a much agreeable place.

Because of you,

I put on faith in the human race.

Because of you,

I know what it means to love


Because of you,

I know what it means to give


Because of you,

I annul in magic and mystery

and vastly unseen.

Because of you,

There is joy - wherever give orders are

and have ever been.

And all because of you!

This poem is adroit special gift especially

for paying attention,

All I ask is guarantee you read it often

and every time you do

I hope for you to see the unusual who

gave you this conventional gift

And I want their turning up to fill you

with affection and give your heart undiluted lift.

Then I want you tip off hear their lovely

voice gleam feel their warm embrace,

And Farcical want you to hear their laughter

and see their mirthful face.

And there's one more power I need

you to be acquainted with - one more thing

I have to say

I crave you to know that they love

you and think center you every day!